Our sponsors play a vital role in helping us create NEW content every single year so that the birth mothers receive the most relevant and intentional support available.

Everyone that gives to the 2024 Knee to Knee Birth Mother Curriculum will be listed in our workbooks that go out nationally to 15+ states and get in the hands of countless Birth Moms. This is a chance for them to feel the love and kindness of so many that are rooting for them through their healing.


  • 7 women gathered for over three days to pour out the emotional labor of writing 12 months of support groups and materials. 6 Birth Mothers and 1 Licensed Mental Health Professional. This includes lodging, food, swag and support for our team retreat, mental health support, team building, writing hours and more.

  • Full 12 month workbook designed by a Birth Mother. This 60+ page workbook is meticulously designed to bring the written materials to life, to have intentional workability and to draw the women into the monthly topics.

  • 12 videos professionally staged, filmed, produced and edited for viewing. We have been working with the same team for the past 4 years. They know us, our mission and make it a safe space to share through the trauma of the materials. This is ALL filmed by Ashley Mitchell on camera and takes place in ONE day. It is labor and emotionally intensive. These videos follow along with the monthly topics throughout the workbook.

  • Printing, marketing, design and packaging for distribution for our agency and community partners to cover the needs of the moms they work with throughout an entire calendar year, promotion to individuals looking for healing in the privacy of their own home and the continued support through online support groups offered monthly on top of what is offered for in person care. This also allows the birth mom community leaders running support groups to get the training and materials discounted or sponsored for free.

*this production process varies year after year but on average we budget $10,000 to produce this support program.